Overall I found the filming quite a difficult process it was new to all of us and it took a while to get the hang of it and to take it seriously, unfortunately several of us were laughing and messing around throughout the first few scenes of filming, which lasted the duration of three lessons to finish completely.
I think a downfall for myself and a few others was the fact there wasn't much planning involved beforehand so in the beginning we wasn't fully prepared with what or how to do the filming which in this case was the main factor!
I think before we actually started filming we should have done some small rehearsals so we had more practice and knowledge of how the BT video was supposed to look like.
Another aspect of the filming was that we didn't have enough time I think if we had of had more time to complete it it might have been done to a better standard however I am not going to put the entire blame on the fact we didn't have enough time I also feel myself and a few others could have used the time we did have, more efficiently instead of laughing as mentioned before.
In hindsight I think we all should have brought a shot list to the days of filming so we all knew what shots had to taken where and when. A shot list acts as a sort of shopping list of shots to try and help keep the process of filming in a clear order, I definitely think this would have helped a lot and obviously something to take into consideration when I film my music video.
A further main factor that played a part in this process was teamwork, to recreate a music video is stressful enough but to keep the peace with fellow classmates I feel put us all to the test. Working as a team wasn't a new thing to the majority of us but its not an easy thing, we also filmed the video over two very hot and sunny days which certainly doesn't help to the stress of filming and acting! However fortunately there wasn't any big rows within the group, we all just got on with it to the best we could in hope of finishing it quicker.
As said above when we first stared filming the video, a few of us did end up laughing quite a lot which does waste time however when you start laughing it does take a while to get your concentration back.
A positive aspect about filming BT was that we had a good use of props and costumes considering they were made at the last minute, but in fact they really did look quite realistic and did look similar to the ones in the real video. Another positive aspect was that we all got to take part in filming and learn how to use the camera throughout the two days that we filmed, I feel this really did help me and prepared me for what to expect when I film my music video.
Overall again I found this process really difficult I could not grasp how to edit at all, I had never used the program that we used to edit before so it was completely new to me and I had no idea what to do. I think this was the same for most people however I felt the rest of my classmates got the hang of it quicker than me and had already edited quite a few scenes before I had even started! I really didn't like this program we had to use and I felt completely lost with it all. Over time obviously I started to understand it slightly more but I still always felt out of my depth with it, however I had to edit this video so I did the best I could and I did feel I was making progress, from then on it became easier to do but I was still lacking behind compared to the rest of my class, eventually I slowly started to lose patience and was back to where I started in the beginning.
Trying to match up the lip syncing perfectly was a really difficult thing to do because obviously the way the lyrics are sung are going to be slightly different to the actual BT video, this was the same for the way the actions were done however we had to match it up as best we could but again this became a problem for me because I didn't know the scenes we filmed well enough to put them in the order the way the BT video went, so as I carried on editing I found myself getting more and more confused with what scenes matched up in the correct place, at some points I ended up putting the wrong scenes in the wrong places then looking back on what I had created so far I'd realised I had made some mistakes.
The editing process is a very long process its really time consuming and we only had to edit our video up to 1 minute 18 seconds, when I first new we only had to edit this amount I didn't think it would be a problem at all but as time went on I realised its not an easy process and if we only had to edit over 1 minute this time its going to take a lot longer when we edit our own music videos as they are going to be at least 3 - 5 minutes long.
Another negative factor about the editing process was that we had to keep continuously saving our work every few minutes as the computers we were using kept crashing and losing everything we had done, this definitely annoyed me over time as I personally felt it was hard enough trying to edit a music video where I didn't really have any idea to what I was doing but on top of that my work kept getting lost! In the end we just had to make sure we saved every time we added something else to the process.
In spite of all the negative things that happened I did learn how to import, crop, cut, move, reverse, speed up or slow down the scene and resize. To resize you had to go to 'Window' then 'Effects controls' and then 'Motion'. I am pleased with myself for learning how to do these things considering I had never used or seen the program before. But I do still think I could do with some more practice by the time it comes to editing my music video, as I don't want to be asking questions every so often about how it works or what to do as I definitely wont have the time then.
I think looking back on the process of editing I was clearly out of my depth with it and I didn't really enjoy it that much which unfortunately did show as I didn't get round to finishing my video even though I wasn't far from it. However it was definitely a good experience that has taught me a lot.
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